Here I go Posting again

    Nocturnal Art

    Well well well. It’s only been 2 months since I posted last with the hope of posting more regularly but also understanding that as school started for my kids I was going to have a lot of adjusting to do and a lot of schedule changes and a lot of more busy happenings: and it was all that and more.

    Bullet point update:

    • I confirmed an ADHD diagnosis (vs suspicions of based on results from my ASD diagnosis tests) and actually talked ot my Doctor and started ADHD treatment and HOLY COW
    • been on ritalin (or generic equivalent cuz that’s covered by pharmacare) for three weeks now and it’s amazing. I got _so much done_ that I had been procrastinating on
    • Kids have been in school for 2 months now – they missed 2 different weeks of school being sick with kindergarten colds – they have never been more sick in their 5 and a half years on this planet. I feel so bad for them.
    • kids have got me sick once so far from the same kinder colds. damn colds. it sucked ass I also have not been sick basically at all in 6 years. Kindergarten colds are powerful!
    • I got shit done around my house – cleaned things – built a new desk for my husband – cleaned our office – cleaned my desk – organized my yarn/craft supplies – set up a new dining table (still need to find new chairs)
    • I felt motivated to enjoy things I liked to do before my brain melted after babies!! I started practicing my Ukulele again, I started doing more daily drawing, I don’t feel like sitting and binge reading stuff 24/7 or playing the same video game to the point of distraction!
    • I have been more active in my online communities cuz I feel like I have the spoons for talking ot people/socializing in low stress environments (still not really into being away form my house but I am working on it)
    • I got my shit together and set up my OBS again and set up a png tuber and did all the basic shit to just start streaming so thats been the last week and a half. its been fun.
    • I also have been more active and have lost 5kg since september! Activity and (somewhat) healthy food choices but mostly just being more active has been great. I just need to have some funds again so I can pay for the pool pass and start going with my friends to the pool more regularly as well.

    It’s been a busy two months – I can’t believe its almost halfway through november already. What even is time!!! Anyway – I need to have some breakfast and prep to try to stream a little – though my kids are home sick so I might not be able to get much streaming done today. We will see. Anyway my new twitch pf will take you to my page lol.

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