spooky cat-opus

    I still am not good at doing things like updates. I am realizing that I probably will do better if I start ADHD meds but I low key don’t want to. I started anti anxiety meds a couple months ago and those help a lot : I don’t feel stressed out and panicked all the time anymore. But I also don’t get the same uhhh drive to get shit done either? I guess my anxiety was partly my motivator to get shit done cuz I was afraid of not getting stuff done and now I’m all “Eh I’ll do it when I need to” and that attitude is basically like… I told my autism to shut up about needing to follow the rules and schedule and now my ADHD has taken over. It is not a great balance because I feel more forgetful and flighty than I have ever felt since I was a teenager.

    On the other hand. More Amigurumi and less anxiety about sharing shit. My mask/filter of ‘no one cares why tell anyone anything’ has gone back to a ‘its fine if you put your foot in your mouth – just talk to people about whatever you feel like – if they don’t like it TOO BAD LMAO”. I don’t yet know if that’s good or not either. Its just kind of weird. I also have been reading _even more stuff_ read a couple different novel series that I have been procrastinating on reading for years and enjoyed them. Caught up on some Manga series I like. Read a million Manhwa cuz I am obsessed with Korean web comics. I love them so much.

    amigurumi llama
    Gertrude – my newest patterned based Amigurumi but I used white baby blanket yarn and OMG its so soft.
    just a round boi
    spooky cat-opus

    I made more things – not pictured is a mothman I made and finished but my kids started playing with and it has now vanished into their room to lurk in the shadows. I have to figure out a wing situation for the other mothman wanna be – its round – its got big eyes – I could maybe do its antennae differently so that they maybe have pipe cleaners inside and are poseable (maybe do the wings that way too?) but for now he is a fat little man – a rolly poly fella. So squishy and soft cuz I made him with black velvet yarn…

    And Gertrude. Oh Gertrude my dear. So soft, plump, luscious, a beautiful baby blanket yarn creation. turned out amazing and i want to make another in a different colour when i can afford more yarn of the same type.

    Anyway – I have lost my train of thought and am just going to leave it with this and maybe try to write up some sort of review for the several books I read. or maybe do reviews for each manhwa I finish reading. that could be good practice. if i remember. l

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